Bridging the Employment Gap


The challenge of finding and keeping workers is a common concern the Burnaby Board of Trade (BBOT) hears from our members and local businesses.

That’s why the BBOT is pleased to announce the development of the Bridging the Employment Gap program.

The Bridging the Employment Gap (BtEG) program will offer two main components:

  • HR Development Sessions – dedicated training and up-skilling for small to medium employers to ensure they are as competitive as possible in securing and retaining talent
  • Workforce Concierge – a ‘one-stop’ effort to help local businesses find, connect to, and utilize existing employment programs which provide access to new pools of potential workers.

Click the links above to read more about these two components, and how you and your business can participate in BtEG.   For more information on the ‘BtEG’ program, or to inquire about signing up for the first HR Development Sessions group, please contact us at

The Bridging the Employment Gap program is made possible thanks to support from: