Promotional Opportunities

Gain Exposure, Gain Access to city and region-wide marketing campaigns to promote your business, plus leverage our direct communications with thousands of professional contacts to amplify your brand and messages.


FREE Promotional Opportunities for BBOT Members

1. Member Spotlights
Member Spotlights are profiles containing a 50-word description of your business/organization accompanied with an image featuring your logo. New Members are offered a feature in our monthly full-page ad in the Burnaby Now newspaper. New and Renewing Members are offered the same spotlight feature in BBOT’s weekly newsletter and social media. The newsletter goes out every Tuesday to over 3,500 contacts. Contact Ann for information on how and when to submit your member spotlight.

2. Member News Feature
Share your news with our members and the business community. Let us know if you’re hosting an event or webinar, won an award, launching a new initiative, etc. Simply submit your news and once reviewed, the communications team will post it to Member News and include it in the next BBOT weekly newsletter. Click here to find out more.

3. Member 2 Member Deals
Members can post offers/promotions in our Member2Member Deals – exclusive deals available to other BBOT members. Your deal will be listed on our website and promoted in our weekly newsletter and social media. By offering a deal, you can increase your revenue and build brand awareness in our member community. Contact Ann for information on how to post your member deal.

4. Social Media
The Burnaby Board of Trade has an active social media presence. Let us help you share your news, initiatives and successes with key business, government contacts and the community at large. Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and join our group on LinkedIn. Have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact

5. BBOT Event Showcase for Not-For-Profit Members
As a benefit of membership, the Burnaby Board of Trade offers a Not-For-Profit Showcase at several of our larger events each year, providing increased exposure for our not-for-profit members. Set up a small table-top display/booth in the reception area of each designated event to distribute collateral and engage with attendees. Connect with us to find out how you can showcase your not-for-profit organization at our events.


Other Promotional Opportunities for BBOT Members

1. Online Directory Enhancement Package
The Online Directory Listing Enhancement Package offers several exclusive tools designed to help you gain additional exposure for your business and better searchability for a one-time fee of only $99 + tax. Your online directory profile will get priority listing and can be enhanced with an expanded business description, additional links, logos, photos, and video. Contact Chris for more information.

2. Pledge for a Sustainable Community
Whether you’re a newcomer to sustainability or a seasoned veteran, the BBOT is committed to promoting businesses who are taking steps to being more sustainable. By taking the Pledge for a Sustainable Community you have the opportunity to showcase what you are undertaking. Pledge Takers are promoted in our online and print directory, through Local Heroes/Success Stories and in our print and e-communications. Interested? Contact or visit

3. Advertising Discounts
The Burnaby Board of Trade has partnered with the following organizations to offer members discounts on advertising and promotional opportunities: Burnaby Now (20% off all regular priced print advertising) and Lamar Transit Advertising (15% off transit and SkyTrain advertising). For more information contact

4. Sponsorship Opportunities
Members can take advantage of tailored packages that include a mix of communications, event and brand partnerships with the Burnaby Board of Trade. Maximizing the organization’s full range of communications channels and event opportunities, members can build their brand equity, communicate key messages and achieve a competitive advantage in their industry. Contact Robyn for more information: (604) 412-0100 or

Looking for presence at a Burnaby Board of Trade event? Sponsoring a BBOT event is a great way to publicize your company, gaining exposure and access to the Burnaby business community. Click here to find out more.

5. Burnaby Business News Magazine – BBOT Member Print Directory
All BBOT members are listed in our print directory. The print directory is part of BBOT’s Burnaby Business Magazine (click to see the online version). In addition to being listed in the directory, members have the opportunity to place and ad in the magazine. Printed in September of each year, Burnaby Business Magazine is distributed through the Burnaby Now newspaper and mailed out to the entire BBOT membership. Interested in placing an ad? Contact

6. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Whether you are celebrating a grand opening, re-opening or anniversary, the BBOT is here to help you celebrate with a ribbon cutting ceremony. These ceremonies are a great opportunity for photographs, press release and community exposure. Our CEO will officiate with giant scissors and ribbon in hand. Contact us with details of your event and we can help guide you through the process.