Province Launches Small Business Task Force – Consultations Ongoing
In May, the provincial government struck a three-member Small Business Task Force to gather input from small-business owners throughout the province to inform policy recommendations to the provincial government.
Throughout the month of June, the Small Business Task Force will gather feedback on small-business priorities and will issue a final report of its findings with recommendations to government on ways to further strengthen the small-business sector. The B.C. government will then consider the report’s recommendations.
Consultations are now ongoing and BBOT members can have their say and share their priorities with the Small Business Task Force and the provincial government. Small-business owners and entrepreneurs can fill out the Small Business Task Force online questionnaire, from June 1 to June 29, 2018, by visiting:
The BBOT will look to engage with the Small Business Task Force directly in June and again with comment on its preliminary report in July, but encourages all of its members to share their thoughts with the Task Force.
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