Join Bromwich+Smith for a Financial Transformation Weekend!

Join us for this two-day Financial Transformation Weekend to improve your knowledge of personal finances and take back control of your future.

We created this weekend to help you learn all the basics in a two-day financial bootcamp scenario. You’ll give us your Saturday and Sunday morning and in exchange we will teach you:

  • how to let go of past financial mistakes and create a compelling new future
  • how to track and grow your net worth
  • how to create a money plan that works for your life
  • how to create financial goals and know if you are on track to making them happen
  • how to create healthy financial boundaries (and how this positively impacts your health and your love-life too! Bow-chicka-wow-wow!)

Event details:

  • When: November 28-29th – 3 hours on Saturday and 3 hours on Sunday at 9am MDT start time
  • Where: The event is virtual so anyone, in any city and province can tune in from their smart phone or other device.
  • Cost: Normally $295 per person. But for anyone that comes through Bromwich+Smith it’s a $25 deposit returned at the end of the event and a chance to receive Erin’s new book.
  • What: A two-day weekend event that enables each participant to dig deep into their own money patterns, beliefs, what they consider mistakes and wins. Participants can work on financial goals. Each person will be equipped with some great resources, highlighting BSI as a key resource, there will be some homework it will be very interactive and the overarching message is you are not alone and there is help and hope.

For more information and to register for the Financial Transformation Weekend: