City of Burnaby Celebrates Environmental Excellence in Burnaby
Each year the City of Burnaby celebrates the environmental excellence and contributions of individuals, community groups, institutions and businesses.
Congratulations to the following for contributing to the environmental health of our community.
Environmental Awards
Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery in the category of Business Stewardship, for their outstanding achievements integrating environmental sustainability into their business and business operations.
Joanne Borle in the category of Green Choices for outstanding leadership of her housing co-ops recycling and environmental sustainability committee.
Oxford Properties, in the category of Planning and Development, for Riverbend Business Park and notable achievements in site environmental remediation, innovative flood protection, and enhancement of waterways, storm water management and green buildings.
Environmental Stars
Hemlock Printers, in the category of Business Stewardship
BC Bee Supply, in the category of Business Stewardship
Fernando Lessa, in the category of Communications
Roger Dyer in the category of Community Stewardship
Embark Sustainability, in the category of Green Choices
University Highlands Elementary Green Team in the category of Youth
Burnaby Youth Sustainability Network, in the category of Youth
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