Call for Volunteers – Committees and Task Forces

The Burnaby Board of Trade regularly reaches out to its members to invite participation on task forces and committees on topics relevant to the health and well being of the business community. Both task forces and committees are an opportunity for members to collaborate, network, learn and offer insights that can influence advocacy, policy positions, education and other outcomes.

The BBOT is currently looking for expressions of interest from members interested in volunteering on a Transportation Task Force as well as Business Sustainability + Education Committee.

Transportation Task Force

The Transportation Task Force will meet two to three times over the coming weeks to solicit feedback on a Burnaby “road mobility” survey and its outcome, as well as to help plan The Future of Transportation Learning series. Task Forces are short term commitments of two to three one-hour meetings that work towards actionable outcomes.

The Business Sustainability + Education Committee

The Business Sustainability + Education Committee is looking for volunteers who are passionate about the role business can play in solutions for climate change, waste reduction and the growth of the circular economy. The Environmental Sustainability Committee will be mandated to develop and deliver energy and sustainability related initiatives, plan awareness campaigns/events and provide advice to the Burnaby Board of Trade on programs, policy/legislation/bylaws related to energy and sustainability.

Volunteers will be asked to sit for a two year term and attend a minimum of 6 meetings annually or as required

Please send expressions of interest to Tessa Vanderkop at for either or both of these opportunities.