Burnaby Board of Trade calls on PMO to work with business on GHG reduction targets
In advance of the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, the Burnaby Board of Trade has submitted a letter to the Office of the Prime Minister (PMO), calling on new Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to join with other international leaders in seeking a meaningful global agreement to address climate change with new greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets. The Board of Trade also asked that government work with business organizations such as itself to develop the necessary market-based strategy to help Canada, and its business community, achieve those reductions.
According to the letter, the Burnaby Board of Trade believes Canada will need to develop a plan for a long-term transition to a low-carbon economy that ensures the country meets its international obligations while protecting and enhancing the dynamic, innovative economy we currently enjoy. The Board notes the importance of government seeking the input of the businesses community in creating such a plan, as it will be necessary for businesses to play a considerable role in achieving any emissions reduction targets.
“Through our experience with our own globally-recognized environmental initiative, The Pledge for A Sustainable Community, we’ve seen that many businesses are eager to play their part in reducing GHG emissions and be engaged as part of the solution, said Burnaby Board of Trade President and CEO Paul Holden in the letter. “By consulting with business organizations like the Burnaby Board of Trade and other Chambers of Commerce/Boards of Trade when crafting Canada’s GHG reduction strategy, the government will be able to genuinely engage with the business community on this issue, encourage them to act, and leverage our existing networks to provide the tools, education and information necessary for businesses to be successful partners in this effort.”
The letter was also sent to BC Premier Christy Clark as well as relevant minsters at both the federal and provincial levels.
“As an organization that believes in the triple bottom line of economic, social and environmental results, the Burnaby Board of Trade is supportive of efforts to address climate change and increase sustainability throughout our economy, and we look forward to working with the government to help engage the business community to be active partners in achieving Canada’s GHG reduction goals,” said Holden.
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