New Supports for Business and Individuals from BC Hydro

COVID-19 Updates & Resources


BC Hydro will offer new, targeted bill relief to provide immediate help to those most in need, including individuals and businesses.


  • Residential customers who have lost their jobs or are unable to work as a result of COVID-19 will receive a credit to help cover the cost of their electricity bills. The credit will be three times their average monthly bill over the past year at their home and does not have to be repaid.
  • Online applications start April 6
  • Ongoing BC Hydro rates have been cut by 1%


  • Small businesses that have been forced to close due to COVID-19 will have their power bills forgiven for three months. BC Hydro is waiving bills for these customers from April to June 2020.
  • The business must be closed and not operating at all.
  • Applications for this open April 13
  • Eligible business customers can apply any time before June 30, 2020 to have their business’ bills waived for April, May and June.
  • Major industrial customers can apply to have 50% of their electrical bills deferred for the next 3 months
  • Ongoing BC Hydro rates have been cut by 1%

For more information, see the province’s page here