Mayor’s Taskforce on Community Housing Releases Final Report


On July 29th, the Mayor’s Taskforce on Community Housing presented its final report, with 18 recommendations for action, to Burnaby City Council.

Launched in January, the Taskforce actively engaged stakeholders and residents to identify issues and consider ways to improve housing affordability. BBOT President and CEO Paul Holden was named a member of the Mayor’s Taskforce and provided feedback on housing priorities from the business community’s perspective.

To help inform the BBOT’s participation in the Mayor’s Taskforce, the BBOT struck its own Housing and Homes Taskforce comprised of over a dozen BBOT members from a variety of sectors and industries.  This BBOT taskforce discussed the issue of housing affordability and identified key priorities to satisfy the housing needs for the “missing middle”/workforce as well as vulnerable populations.

With the input from our member taskforce, the BBOT will continue to engage with the City and all levels of government on housing availability and affordability to ensure our businesses and their employees and customers are able to live in Burnaby.

Read the final report here or by clicking the image below