Looking for a talented professional to hire in the areas of Administration, Finance, or General Business? MOSAIC can help!

Immigrant Women’s Employment Readiness Connections Program (IWERC) matches employers with internationally-trained, professional women for a 6-month mentored internship and offers a 50% wage subsidy to participating employers!

Employer Benefits:
• Gain highly skilled employees
• Diversify the workplace to reflect changing global trends
• 50% wage subsidy
• Free intercultural competency training
• Opportunity to work collaboratively with candidates to utilize innovative thinking processes to solve real-life problems

Immigrants bring more than just skills. They bring:
• Access to the international market. New customers, new products, new services!
• International connections
• Fresh and innovative perspectives
• Cultural know-how to increase success with cross-cultural ventures


For more information contact Milena Godoy at 604.254.9626 ext. 1047 or via email to mgodoy@mosaicbc.org.