BC Gov News: More open houses for Highway 1 Brunette Interchange project

BC Government News has shared that there will be more open house events coming up in December for the Highway 1 Brunette Interchange project. As this is occurring right next door to Burnaby, it is something that is important for our community to be aware of.

The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is holding two additional open houses regarding the future Brunette Interchange on Highway 1.

The information at the open houses will be the same information that was presented at the first two open houses held on this project in early November.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the open houses scheduled for:

Tuesday, Dec. 6, 2016:
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Sapperton Pensioners Hall
318 Keary St.
New Westminster

Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2016
4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Gymnasium, Maillard Middle school
1300 Rochester Ave.

There are three design options for the future interchange, which will be presented at the open houses.

  • Option A: Brunette Interchange with Separate Municipal Connections and United Blvd. Connection:
    • The main crossing of Highway 1 is separated into two corridors – a two-lane corridor for local traffic and a four-lane corridor for regional and provincial traffic.
  • Option B: Blue Mountain Interchange with United Blvd. Connection:
    • This option extends Blue Mountain St. over Highway 1 to United Blvd. Interchanges become the main access to Highway 1.
  • Option C: Blue Mountain Interchange with Braid Industrial Area Connector:
    • The direct connection between United Blvd. and Brunette is replaced by a two-lane connection from Blue Mountain St. to Columbia St. via a new connector with a two-lane tunnel under the rail lines and Brunette River.

The project team will be present to answer questions. There will also be display boards with more information on the project.

To learn more, or to provide feedback online, please visit the project website: http://engage.gov.bc.ca/brunetteinterchange/
