ISSofBC is asking employer input on cultural competency training
We need no more than 5-10 minutes of your time to inform the development of a valuable service for Greater Vancouver and Southwestern BC employers interested in cultural competency training.
ISSofBC is a long standing, reputable BC not-for-profit organization providing a large variety of support services to immigrants and refugees. It has developed significant expertise in supporting employers to retain their diverse talent by becoming more culturally competent. ISSofBC’s goals in developing this service are to help BC employers grow their workforce, as well as to support programs for immigrants and refugees through revenues generated by this service.
Your input into this research is invaluable and your survey responses will be strictly confidential. Data and information from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.
The survey (and more background) can be found at:
If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact me at or 250.213.9231. Or if you have questions of ISSofBC, please contact Carla Morales, at or 604-684-2561 Ext. 1141.
Thank you very much for any time you can contribute to this.
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